Este trabajo se caracteriza por la utilización del claro-oscuro para generar dramatismo en la atmósfera y también por una línea expresionista en el dibujo con el fín de dar forma al volumen y subrayar la tensión narrativa. Pero lo más importante es el resultado : para mí una obra de arte perturbadora.
En el año 2000 se gradúa en el Royal College of Art de Londres donde realiza " Cuando tú duermes" y "Yo, el otro" . Desde entonces se establece en Auvergne, cerca de Clemont Ferrand donde dirige otros dos cortos : " El jardín " y " Hubert , el hombre de los bombones ".
Paralelamente participa en la creación de una escuela de animación y ayuda a fundar un festival local de animación en la Maison aux Mille Images .
Born in Dakar (1974 ), Marie Paccou was 15 when she discovered animation in a small festival
in Baillargues, near Montpellier. As student in ENSAD ( Arts Decoratifs in Paris ), she directed
her first short film, " Un jour ", which won many awards around the world, including the European Academy Award for Short Film in 1998.
"Un jour " is an outstanding and remarkable animated short , able to catch your attention from the first frame. Through an expressive high contrast drawing Marie Paccou takes you to a disturbing atmosphere in a deeply moving absolutely work of art.
She graduated from de RCA in London in 2000, where she directed " When you are asleep" and " Me, the other ". Since then she' s stablished in Auvergne, close to Clemont- Ferrand, where she also created another two short films : " Le jardín " and " Hubert, l' homme aux bombons ". Marie Paccou also worked on the opening of an animation school and started a small film festival in her village through la Maison aux Mille Images.
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